
This blog is intended as a resource for aged care students, aged care providers, aged care workers and older people themselves to gain understanding and experience different points of view on the topic of aged care. I hope to stimulate your thinking and have you questioning the way we deliver aged care services in Australia. Enjoy!

About Me

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I have been working in the aged care industry for thirty years and have gathered a lot of information on the topic in that time. Some things I have learned through formal training by underatking accredited courses, some has been learned through experience and other things I have simply questioned whilst observing clients. Many questions remain unanswered. I have had the privledge of training others in aged care courses and have gathered immense knowledge from this process too. Over the years I have seen many changes in the aged care industry including care standards, government funding models and ultimately schools of thought on the right and wrong way to do things. I have been left with no choice but to grow and change with the industry.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Positive Ageing

Positive Ageing is a concept or an idea that it is possible to age in a positive way. Our society embraces and worships youth and beauty and as we age these things often do not come with us into our latter years. Society's general view is that people are not as attractive as they age. Beauty contests are for young people in their prime or perhaps for babies.  As the furrows of time bestow themselves on our faces and our bodies succumb to the ravages of gravity we can find other ways to remain positive.
When you are employed in the aged care industry it is easy to percieve older people as slow, immobile, demented and generally needing care. We don't see the older people in our society that are still fit active and mentally alert in their nineties unless they are on the television. The people that make it to the TV news usually sit proudly behind a cake that requires a fire brigade escort due to the 100 plus candles burning upon it. They often have a 'secret' to their longevity, which may be some rebellious statement that flies in the face of the sterotype of older people. " I smoked a pack a day and drank a bottle of whisky every week! then there is the octogenerian who has just tandem jumped out of an  aeroplane, grinning like an adolescent saying ' I can't wait to do it again'.
These are the older people that we love. So what is it that we love about them? We love their zest for life and that they are still fully engaged in their lives and in society despite their ailments.
I am sure the Dept Health and Ageing website would list some suggestions for positive ageing such as:
  • Following a healthy diet
  • Getting regular excercise
  • Visiting the doctor regularly
  • Staying engaged in the community
Of course all these things contribute to positive ageing but it is ultimately our attitude and willingness to stay connected that helps us to age gracefully or as many a baby boomer would cite, age disgracefully.....
  • What are your attitudes to older people?
  • What do your friends and family think?
  • How do you see older people portrayed in our society?
Do you uphold and support the sterotypes or do you believe in and support older people to rebel and live their lives to the full right to the end?

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