
This blog is intended as a resource for aged care students, aged care providers, aged care workers and older people themselves to gain understanding and experience different points of view on the topic of aged care. I hope to stimulate your thinking and have you questioning the way we deliver aged care services in Australia. Enjoy!

About Me

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I have been working in the aged care industry for thirty years and have gathered a lot of information on the topic in that time. Some things I have learned through formal training by underatking accredited courses, some has been learned through experience and other things I have simply questioned whilst observing clients. Many questions remain unanswered. I have had the privledge of training others in aged care courses and have gathered immense knowledge from this process too. Over the years I have seen many changes in the aged care industry including care standards, government funding models and ultimately schools of thought on the right and wrong way to do things. I have been left with no choice but to grow and change with the industry.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Aged Care Wages

Have you ever considered undertaking a course in aged care to start a new career in the aged care industry? If so you at some point you will be wondering about pay rates. Let me begin by explaining that the pay in aged care is not high and before you all stampede out of this blog in droves please let me explain. After a career in aged care spanning 30 years have some ideas. So the pay rate is not high but one thing is for sure, you will always find a job with a Certificate III in aged care or above. You will be engaged in THE growth industry of the future( even if it feels like you have entered the past somedays). The rewards in aged care are many, not just monetary, you get a real sense of satisfaction when you make a difference in another persons life every day. You may tnink that people go to work for the pay and I agree most would not do tneir job for nothing but if there is no satisfaction in your job you won't want to keep turning up just for the pay. Eventually you will move on!
There are also other factors that influence pay rates in aged care. Penalty rates apply in the evenings at night and on the weekend so perhaps you would like to earn your weeks pay over a weekend and have the whole week off instead! I have done it and it works! Particularly good for working around the care of children. You may wish to get a higjer qualification and move into a team leader role or beyond. Some people study along the way an achieve nursing qualifications. Where do you see yourself in an aged care role and what are your study and career goal?
Here is a link that may help you decifer what you should be paid in aged care.check it out


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