
This blog is intended as a resource for aged care students, aged care providers, aged care workers and older people themselves to gain understanding and experience different points of view on the topic of aged care. I hope to stimulate your thinking and have you questioning the way we deliver aged care services in Australia. Enjoy!

About Me

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I have been working in the aged care industry for thirty years and have gathered a lot of information on the topic in that time. Some things I have learned through formal training by underatking accredited courses, some has been learned through experience and other things I have simply questioned whilst observing clients. Many questions remain unanswered. I have had the privledge of training others in aged care courses and have gathered immense knowledge from this process too. Over the years I have seen many changes in the aged care industry including care standards, government funding models and ultimately schools of thought on the right and wrong way to do things. I have been left with no choice but to grow and change with the industry.

Sunday, March 20, 2011


No I don't mean the angry kind...lol. I mean the kind that you find in magazines and newspapers.  If you find those magazines in public places, such as the doctor's surgery, someone else has usually beaten you to it. There is nothing quite like the pleasure of happening upon a completely blank untouched crossword. A clean slate that is all yours. I have recently discovered that you can access crossword puzzles online and there are even free ones.

Here's the link http://www.crosswordsforfun.com.au/wordpress/  

You might wonder what this has to do with aged care but believe me a lot of older people like to keep their minds active with crosswords. The medical esablishment reccomend keeping your brain active as you get older to keep memory problems at bay.  For some people there is no better way to do that than a good crossword. If you are an aged care worker you may wish to direct your crossword fanatic clients to the site above for some problem solving fun to pass the time.
Are you a crossword enthusiast? or Do you prefer Sudoku?

If your brain likes number puzzles  more than word puzzles I have a link for you too.

Ceck out this site: http://www.websudoku.com/

Let me know how you go and if these sites are useful... what do you think? How do your clients like the idea of puzzles online instead of in a book?

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